Benidorm police poke fun at Brits for leaving countless items on its beaches


BENIDORM Policia Local has announced the force has a brand new officer, Saint Cucuphas, patron of lost things. 

“Have you lost something in our city?,” the Facebook post reads. 

“You’re in luck, we’ve hired Saint Cucuphas.”

Spaniards pray to the martyr when they have lost something, tying knots in a handkerchief to represent his testicles. 

Leading up to his death, Saint Cucuphas was tortured and his testicles tied. 

Now, whenever Spaniards lose something, they say this rhyme: “Saint Cucuphas, Saint Cucuphas your testicles I tie, and until you find my (lost belonging) I will not untie them”.

The Benidorm’s Policia Local lost and found department manages over 3,000 items every year.

Some have speculated the message is a stab at British tourists who frequent the area, as the photo shows a British passport. 

Many visitors lose items on nights out or on the beach.