Religion teacher accused of sexually assaulting six young children during lessons at Valencia school


A MAN who taught religion to young children at a Valencia area school has been arrested for child sexual assault.

The suspect, 47, was detained by the Policia Nacional on six counts of assaulting children- all pupils at the unnamed l’Horta region school.

The matter came to light after the mother of a four-year-old boy made a complaint to the head teacher on October 7.

She said her son was involved in a game with the suspect which involved inappropriate touching and kissing.

The teacher was immediately suspended and the parent also reported the incident to the Policia Nacional.

Officers from the Family and Women’s Unit(UFAM)took statements from staff at the school as well as several people who knew the teacher.

Two addresses were searched where several electronic devices were removed to analyse what was on them.

UFAM officers also removed the teacher’s personal belongings from the school.

He was subsequently arrested on Thursday and was expected to appear before a court on Friday. .

Sources close to the police investigation told the Las Provincias newspaper that the man took advantage of his teaching job to commit the sexual abuse and to exploit the young age of the victims.